30 octombrie 2012

Chirurgie pediatrica

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie pediatrica:

Chirurgia pediatrică este specialitatea, care are ca obiect de studiu patologia chirurgicală a vârstei copilăriei (0 – 16 ani sau elevi ce au depăşit vârsta de 16 ani, până la terminarea studiilor), cu excepţia patologiei ortopedice, neurochirurgicale şi cardiovasculare a copilului.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Pediatric surgery focuses on providing surgical care for all problems or conditions affecting children that require surgical intervention. Pediatric surgeons are involved with diagnosis, preoperative, operative and postoperative management of surgical problems in children, and they operate on children whose development ranges from the newborn stage through the teenage years. They cooperate with those physicians involved in a child's medical care—neonatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians—to determine whether surgery is the best option for the child. 

Areas of specialization within pediatric surgery include neonatal surgery (surgical repair of birth defects), pediatric oncology (diagnosis and surgical care of children with malignant tumors and benign growths), and trauma (critical care medicine that may or may not require surgical intervention). Many pediatric surgeons are involved accident prevention programs in their communities that are aimed at curbing traumatic injuries in children. A new forefront in pediatric surgery is prenatal diagnosis and surgery (although application of most fetal surgical techniques remain in the experimental stage). 

Five types of illnesses / conditions most frequently encountered: Hernias, Congenital deformities, Appendicitis, Bowel problems, Need for venous access.

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

Do you enjoy working with kids? Although it is considered a subspecialty, pediatric surgery stays true to its general surgery roots because you perform operations on entire body regions: abdomen, chest, extremities, and more. 

Pediatric surgeons deal with the complex surgical problems, and their unique physiology, of kids of all ages, ranging from tiny premature newborns to maturing teenagers. Whether the problem involves a hypertrophic pyloric sphincter or a ruptured spleen, pediatric surgery is delicate, precise, and challenging. Some operations, such as the separation of conjoined twins, can be quite dramatic and life saving. 

Because accidents are the leading cause of death among children, pediatric surgeons deal with quite a bit of trauma in their work. Today, fetal surgery—surgically correcting congenital anomalies in a growing fetus—has become the hot area of this field. Pediatric surgeons naturally have to be quite adept at handling frightened children and their anxious parents.

Dupa Online Guide to Choosing A Surgical Residency (American College of Surgeons):

Pediatric surgeons are primarily concerned with the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of surgical problems in children and they operate on children whose development ranges from the newborn stage through the teenage years. 

Some medical conditions in newborns are not compatible with a good quality of life unless these problems are corrected surgically. These conditions must be recognized immediately by neonatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians. Pediatric surgeons cooperate with all of the specialists involved in a child's medical care to determine whether surgery is the best option for the child.

Pediatric surgery focuses on providing surgical care for all problems or conditions affecting children that require surgical intervention. They may also have particular expertise in the following areas of responsibility: 

Pediatric surgeons have specialized knowledge in the surgical repair of birth defects, some of which may be life threatening to premature and full-term infants. 

In cooperation with radiologists, pediatric surgeons use ultrasound and other technologies during the fetal stage of a child's development to detect any abnormalities. They can then plan corrective surgery and educated and get to now parents before their baby is born. In addition, prenatal diagnosis may lead to fetal surgery, which is a new forefront in the subspecialty of pediatric surgery. Application of most fetal surgical techniques is still in the experimental stage. 

Because trauma is the number one killer of children in the United States, pediatric surgeons are routinely faced with critical care situations involving traumatic injuries sustained by children that may or may not require surgical intervention. Many pediatric surgeons are involved accident prevention programs in their communities that are aimed at curbing traumatic injuries in children. 

Pediatric Oncology 
Pediatric surgeons are involved in the diagnosis and surgical care of children with malignant tumors as well as those with benign growths.

Link-uri utile:

Online Guide to Choosing A Surgical Residency (American College of Surgeons)
Pathway Evaluation Program - Specialty Profile - Pediatric Surgery
Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie Pediatrica
Leading symptoms in pediatric surgery - An instructional program for undergraduate and postgraduate study in medicine of the Institute for Medical Education (IML) and the university clinic for pediatric surgery of the Inselspital, Bern.

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