21 octombrie 2012

Alergologie si imunologie clinica

  • Dupa Curriculum-ul de pregatire:
Specialitatea de Alergologie şi Imunologie Clinică se ocupă cu studiul bolilor alergice, a bolilor şi sindroamelor disimunitare, care includ tulburări de imunoreglare şi imunodeficienţe. 

Alergologia se ocupă cu depistarea şi diagnosticarea, profilaxia şi tratamentul (medicamentos şi/sau imunoterapie), asistenţa medicală şi recuperarea pacienţilor cu boli alergice (afecţiuni de hipersensibilitate iniţiate prin mecanisme imunologice). 

Imunologia clinică se ocupă cu disfuncţiile sistemului imunitar, precum şi cu aspectele imunologice ale afecţiunilor în care este implicat sistemul imunitar. Asistenţa de imunologie clinică se realizează de obicei în cadrul asistenţei medicale multidisciplinare, şi include, după caz, tratamente imunologice pentru pacienţii cu boli şi sindroame disimunitare prin mijloace nechirurgicale şi neradioterapeutice. 

Denumirea corectă a specialităţii dată de UEMS este Alergologie şi Imunologie Clinică.

Durata de pregatire = 4 ani

  • Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program for Medical Professionals (GlaxoSmithKline): 

Allergy and immunology is a subspecialty that deals with the human body’s reaction to foreign substances. Physicians who specialize in allergy and immunology are trained to prevent, diagnose and treat allergic, asthmatic, and immunologic diseases (e.g., hay fever, hives, rheumatoid arthritis, and HIV). These specialists can track down which substance or allergen is causing the problem, advice how to eliminate the cause, and start a treatment plan.

Another career option is laboratory immunology—applying laboratory methods to problems in human disease involving changes in immune responses and performing, interpreting, and evaluating the clinical relevance of special laboratory procedures related to immunologically based diseases.

  • Dupa Association of American Medical Colleges - Careers in Medicine:
Nature of the work:

A physician who specializes in allergy and immunology is trained in the evaluation, physical and laboratory diagnosis and management of disorders involving the immune system. Selected examples of such conditions include: asthma, anaphylaxis, rhinitis, eczema and adverse reactions to drugs, foods and insect stings as well as immune deficiency diseases (both acquired and congenital), defects in host defense and problems related to autoimmune disease, organ transplantation or malignancies of the immune system. As our understanding of the immune system develops, the scope of this specialty is widening.

The specialty of Allergy-Immunology is a unique medical field that encompasses a broad array of diagnoses, ranging from nasal and sinus problems and severe food or bee sting allergy to recurrent infections due to sinus disease and immune deficiency. Asthma is an important medical problem diagnosed and treated by allergy specialists because most individuals with this disorder have underlying allergy. Researchers in this discipline have made and continue to make significant contributions to the knowledge of the basic mechanisms of this disease. New methods of treatment are being developed by Allergists-Immunologists for a number of allergic disorders including asthma. Diagnostic and management protocols for asthma and other allergic disorders are developed by members of this specialty.

  • Dupa American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology:
A Rewarding Career in Allergy / Immunology

Allergy / immunology represents a vibrant, challenging career path for physicians and allied health professionals interested in working with patients of all ages with a wide range of allergic and immunologic diseases.

What does an allergist / immunologist do?
Specialists in allergy and immunology have a range of opportunities within research, education and clinical practice. An allergist / immunologist may manage pediatric and adult patients with a variety of medical problems including:

a) Diseases of the respiratory tract such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and occupational lung diseases

b) Allergic diseases of the eye including allergic conjunctivitis

c) Allergic conditions of the skin including atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acute/chronic urticaria or angioedema

d) Adverse reactions to foods, drugs, vaccines, stinging insects and other agents

e) Diseases associated with autoimmune responses to self-antigens, or auto-inflammatory syndromes

f) Diseases of the immune system including primary immune deficiencies such as severe combined immune deficiency syndromes, antibody deficiencies, complement deficiency, phagocytic cell abnormalities, or other impairments in innate immunity and acquired immune deficiency related to HIV infection or drug-induced immune suppression.

g) Stem cell, bone marrow and/or organ transplantation

h) Gastrointestinal disorders caused by immune responses to foods including eosinophilic esophagitis or gastroenteritis, food protein-induced enteropathies

i) Systemic diseases including anaphylaxis and systemic diseases involving mast cells or eosinophils

Why should I choose to become an allergist / immunologist?
The subspecialty offers the opportunity to work with patients with common diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and immune-mediated food hypersensitivities. The field of immunology is rapidly advancing, and the subspecialty provides opportunities to work with patients with rare and potentially life-threatening disorders of the immune system, as well as managing more complex issues related to diagnosis and treatment.

Individuals pursuing research careers in the subspecialty have the ability to advance medical knowledge and to translate it into clinically relevant strategies for diagnosis and treatment of allergic and immunologic conditions. In allergy / immunology, a physician can follow individual patients throughout their lives, and also provide care to other family members of all ages who have the same or similar condition.

Some A/I specialists choose clinical careers in either private offices or teaching hospitals; while others are involved primarily in research as physician-scientists at medical schools, or in government or industry. The academic allergist / immunologist frequently combines patient care with medical school teaching and research.

Video-uri utile:

Documente utile si link-uri de vizitat pentru mai multe informatii cu privire la Alergologie si imunologie clinica:

Din cate am citit despre Alergologie si imunologie clinica, cred ca este o specialitate mult mai interesanta decat pare la prima vedere. Imbina foarte mult clinica, lucrul in laborator si cercetarea. Pare a fi de asemenea una dintre specialitatile "intelectuale" in care trebuie sa fii un fel de detectiv, sa descoperi la ce este alergic pacientul tau si sa il tratezi. Desi persoanele cu alergii sunt foarte, foarte multe, specialitatea iti ofera totusi un program relativ flexibil, care iti permite sa ai poate si alte activitati in afara de medicina. Partea de cercetare e fascinanta. 

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