01 decembrie 2012

Chirurgie vasculara

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie vasculara:

Chirurgia vasculară este specialitatea chirurgicală care se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul chirurgical al bolilor vasculare arteriale, venoase şi limfatice.

- Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Vascular surgery is a subspecialty within general surgery that addresses the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the vascular tree, including arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels, exclusive of those within the cranial cavity and the heart.  The principle diseases treated involve those affecting the carotid arteries, the aorta, and those supplying the blood supply to the lower extremities, the kidneys, and the abdominal viscera. Common procedures performed include carotid endarterectomy, repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, and revascularization of the lower extremities. 

Specialists in this discipline are also experts in performing and interpreting diagnostic studies including ultrasound and angiography. Currently the subspecialty emphasizes minimally invasive treatment, including endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm and for relief of obstruction of blood flow to organs and tissues by means of angioplasty and deployment of intravascular stents. 

Five types of illnesses/conditions most frequently encountered:

Peripheral vascular disease
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Carotid disease
Venous disease/insufficiency
Dialysis access

Dupa Society for Vascular Surgery - VascularWeb.org

A Career of Innovation

Vascular surgery offers versatility and stimulation to medical professionals. These health care professionals master the intricacies of vascular surgery as well as state-of-the-art endovascular techniques. In addition, vascular surgeons build long-term relationships with patients and their families as a primary physician for all vascular needs: medical and diagnostic, endovascular and traditional surgery.

Intricate and demanding, vascular surgery is not “one-size-fits-all” surgery. Each patient presents an individual vascular problem requiring a unique solution. Vascular surgeons train to respond with various modalities:

  • Open surgical procedures
  • Endovascular procedures
  • Even medical therapies

Minimally invasive, percutaneous procedures are advancing rapidly and have revolutionized the ease at which outcomes are obtained for patients as well as offering the opportunity to continuously hone vascular surgery skills. The interventions may be limb or life saving. Vascular surgeons are charged with treating the complete patient.

Now more than ever, the choice to become a vascular surgeon fulfills an acutely growing need created by the aging population in the United States and beyond.  Talented, dedicated, skilled vascular surgeons will be needed to meet this urgent need.

Your Family, Patients, Career

Balance is a word heard all through college and medical school. There is a great deal to be gained by creating that balance in life. Colleagues will state that vascular surgery is one of the few medical specialties that allow for balance in life.

Personal relationships and family are paramount in the lives of vascular surgeons. One female vascular surgeon at a major medical center found her career flexible enough to arrange her schedule to work part-time to accommodate the need to care for her newborn. In the 21st Century, a career in vascular surgery allows for focus on family and home life as well as patients and their lives.

Research Opportunities - Infinite, Diverse, and Exciting

Vascular research runs the gamut from basic science cellular research, engineering/graft and stent development, diagnostic advances to clinical and medical management of vascular diseases. Research is not only done by full-time academic surgeons but also by private practitioners excited by the potential changes in the field.

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27 noiembrie 2012

Un curs despre alegerea specialitatii

Sper ca va este de ajutor!

26 noiembrie 2012

Chirurgie toracica

Dupa curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie Toracica:

Chirurgia toracică este ramura chirurgicală ce se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul operator al afecţiunilorperetelui toracic şi pleurei, traheobronhopulmonare, mediastinului, pericardului, esofagului, diafragmului, precum şi ale graniţelor cervico-toracică şi toracoabdominală.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

nota: In SUA, chirurgia cardiovasculara si chirurgia toracica sunt grupate in Cardiothoracic surgery sau doar Thoracic surgery, chirurgii supraspecializandu-se fie pe chestiuni cardiace sau pulmonare/legate de peretele toracic. La noi se merge direct pe una dintre cele doua filiere: Chirurgie cardiovasculara sau Chirurgie toracica.


Thoracic surgery, also known as cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, encompasses all types of surgery within the chest cavity, which includes the heart, lungs and esophagus.  Thoracic surgeons are concerned with the operative, perioperative, and critical care of patients with pathologic conditions of the chest.  

Surgeons in this subspecialty often focus on certain organs and procedures within the chest cavity. A general thoracic surgeon treats emphysema; tumors of the lung, esophagus, chest wall, and mediastinum; swallowing problems and gastroesophageal reflux; abnormalities of the trachea; and diseases of the diaphragm. A congenital heart surgeon performs surgical corrections of heart defects and furnishes cardiovascular support to infants and children. Any of these subspecialists may perform heart, lung, and combined heart-lung transplantations. A cardiac surgeon deals primarily with the surgical management of diseases of the blood supply to the heart, the heart valves, and the arteries and veins in the chest. 

Les affections traitées par la chirurgie thoracique concernent:
  • les affections chirurgicales de la paroi thoracique
  • les affections chirurgicales des plèvres et de la cavité pleurale
    • Les épanchements pleuraux bénins et malins
    • Les infections pleurales et le pyothorax
    • Le pneumothorax en chirurgie thoracique
    • Le canal thoracique et le chylothorax
    • Le mésothéliome en chirurgie thoracique
    • Les techniques chirurgicales spécifiques à la cavité pleurale
  • les affections chirurgicales du parenchyme pulmonaire, des bronches et de la trachée
  • les affections chirurgicales du médiastin (à l'exception du cœur, qui fait l'objet d'une branche particulière de la chirurgie)
Par ailleurs, la chirurgie de l'œsophage concerne essentiellement les chirurgiens digestifs.

Link-uri interesante:
Recomand in primul rand site-ul CTSnet.org (CardioThoracic Surgery Network). Aici gasiti foarte multe articole legate de Chirurgie toracica dar si video-uri interesante din timpul operatiilor etc. 

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02 noiembrie 2012

Chirurgie plastica - microchirurgie reconstructiva

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie plastica-microchirurgie reconstructiva:

Specialitatea care se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul chirurgical al arsurilor, electrocuţiilor, traumatismelor însoţite de distrugeri de părţi moi, ale mâinilor traumatizate (leziuni tegumentare, scheletice, tendinoase, vasculo-nervoase), al tumorilor de suprafaţă, al malformaţiilor congenitale şi al unor suferinţe estetice. Este o specialitate interdisciplinară ce se ocupă cu repararea diformităţilor, corectarea deficienţelor funcţionale  şi modificarea aparenţelor. Chirurgia plastică restaurează şi ameliorează forma în scopul obţinerii unei îmbunătăţiri a aspectului  şi aproprierii de cel normal. Chirurgia plastică foloseşte în afara tehnicilor chirurgicale nespecializate  şi tehnici caracteristice (transferare  şi transplantare tisulară), dintre care unele microchirurgicale.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, head and facial structures, hand, extremities, breasts and trunk. The specialty encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve the patient's appearance and self-esteem. Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body, caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. It is generally performed to improve function, but may also be done to approximate a normal appearance. 

A foundation in surgical anatomy, physiology and pathology is fundamental to this specialty.  Plastic surgeons need to have surgical knowledge, surgical judgment, technical expertise, ethics, the ability to think in three dimensions, good aesthetic sense, creativity, and appreciation for detail. Subspecialty certifications include craniofacial surgery and surgery of the hand.

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

No other surgical specialist draws on a wider base of anatomic knowledge or operates in more regions of the body than does plastic surgeon. The field has developed from the efforts and contributions of people from many different backgrounds, including general surgery, orthopedics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and otolaryngology.

Plastic surgery encompasses all of aesthetic surgery, yet it also deals with clinical entities that are often considered grotesque, including chronic wounds, limb replantation, and head and neck reconstruction. It is considered a surgical subspecialty, yet the fund of knowledge needed for even a basic understanding of the discipline requires a five- to eight-volume text.

The breadth of anatomy seen within a typical week (or even within a single day) often includes the head, neck, chest, abdomen, lower and upper extremities, breast, and hand. Some may view this as a liability. Most plastic surgeons, however, welcome the variety and tend to become bored if repeatedly faced with the same types of clinical problems. They enjoy the beauty of anatomy, especially that of the more intricate regions, such as the hand and face.

Some plastic surgeons say they find their work particularly rewarding because the results are often so visible. For example, after a cleft lip repair, the surgeon’s efforts are seen repeatedly for the next 70 years or more. Seeing a parent smile after their child’s cleft lip has been repaired is one of the most fulfilling experiences in all of surgery and medicine. Likewise, when a patient awakes
upon replantation of a severed limb (or scalp, ear, nose, or even penis) and sees the successfully reattached part, it reaffirms the plastic surgeon’s choice of a career.

Physician–patient relationships in plastic surgery can be quite lengthy and involved. Most plastic surgeons find these relationships in particular to be quite rewarding. For example, in the case of congenital deformities, patients often require 10 or more operations prior to reaching adulthood.

Plastic surgery can be physically demanding. Some operations are lengthy or technically challenging. Most plastic surgeons have participated in operations that lasted more than 24 hours. Some have said that microsurgery, in particular, is a young surgeon’s sport. Not only can these procedures be long, but the anastomosis of small vessels can sometimes be quite challenging.

  • Aesthetic Surgery

Common aesthetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons include rhinoplasty (reshaping of the nose), facelift, aesthetic eyelid surgery, laser skin resurfacing, Botulinum toxin injection, breast augmentation, liposuction, and body lifts.

The field of cosmetic surgery is unique among surgical disciplines. First, aesthetic operations are performed on an elective basis for no truly functional purpose (although it has been argued that the
function of the face, for example, is to look good). In other words, patients are subjected to the risks of anesthesia and surgery despite their being physiologically healthy. These patients can suffer all types of complications that are possible with other types of surgery, including nerve damage, hematomas, infections, skin loss, significant scarring, myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular accidents, and even death. The aesthetic surgeon must be comfortable knowing that these adverse events will doubtless occur at some point despite even the most careful patient selection, perfect surgical technique, and smooth anesthesia.

Honest two-way communication is essential to be sure that patients’ aesthetic expectations are realistic.

For those with artistic abilities, aesthetic surgery offers a means of sculpting the human body into living art. Patients with facial aging can often be made to look literally decades younger and more energetic.

  • Burn Surgery

Burn surgeons treat patients with thermal injury, chemical injury, and cold-related injury. Plastic surgeons often focus on burn reconstruction rather than acute burn care. The care of these patients can be quite challenging and highly rewarding. Much of burn reconstruction requires bread and butter plastic surgery, such as local flaps, skin grafts, and tissue expansion. However, many cases require multiple stages, strategic planning, and advanced techniques.

  • Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial surgeons treat diseases of the bones and soft tissues of the face and skull. They often work with children, treating such conditions as craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the sutures of the skull), cleft palate, hemifacial microsomia (delayed growth of one side of the face), and conditions such as Apert, Crouzon, Treacher-Collins, and Pfeiffer syndromes. They can also work with
adults, treating patients with untreated congenital anomalies, craniofacial trauma, and tumors of the skull base, as well as orthognathic deformities.

  • Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery

Hand surgeons treat a variety of conditions of the hand and upper extremity, including fractures, tendon lacerations, traumatic amputations/devascularizations, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve entrapment syndromes, tumors, and congenital anomalies. In a single day, a hand surgeon may perform a replantation from an industrial accident, see a newborn with complete syndactyly, and perform implant arthroplasties to restore function in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Restoring pain-free function is the top priority in hand surgery. Cosmesis is also a secondary goal once pain and function have been addressed.

  • Microvascular Surgery

Microsurgeons are trained to manipulate tissues by creating microvascular anastomoses and microneural coaptations. They can, for example, replant a severed extremity by locating and repairing the vessels and nerves under the operating microscope. Microsurgical techniques are also used to perform free tissue transfers (free flaps). For example, if a woman has a mastectomy for cancer and desires an autologous (from her own tissue) reconstruction, then an excellent option 
is the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap reconstruction, in which muscle, skin, and fat are removed from the abdomen and placed on the chest wall to reconstruct the breast. Similarly, in cases of congenital facial paralysis, the gracilis muscle can be transferred to the face to make facial expression possible.

  • Pediatric Plastic Surgery

Conditions treated by pediatric plastic surgeons include craniofacial anomalies (if they have also pursued craniofacial training), cleft lip and palate, velopharyngeal insufficiency (nasal speech), separation of conjoined twins, congenital anomalies affecting the face, hands and upper extremities,
trunk, and chest wall, and vascular anomalies including hemangiomas and vascular malformations. In addition, pediatric plastic surgery encompasses pediatric burn reconstruction, soft tissue tumors, and traumatic reconstruction, particularly of the face, hands and lower extremity.

  • Prefers working with his or her hands.
  • Enjoys trying new approaches to the same problem.
  • Is an independent and creative thinker.
  • Likes seeing the immediate results of treatment.
  • Is a perfectionist who pays close attention to details.

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30 octombrie 2012

Chirurgie pediatrica

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie pediatrica:

Chirurgia pediatrică este specialitatea, care are ca obiect de studiu patologia chirurgicală a vârstei copilăriei (0 – 16 ani sau elevi ce au depăşit vârsta de 16 ani, până la terminarea studiilor), cu excepţia patologiei ortopedice, neurochirurgicale şi cardiovasculare a copilului.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Pediatric surgery focuses on providing surgical care for all problems or conditions affecting children that require surgical intervention. Pediatric surgeons are involved with diagnosis, preoperative, operative and postoperative management of surgical problems in children, and they operate on children whose development ranges from the newborn stage through the teenage years. They cooperate with those physicians involved in a child's medical care—neonatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians—to determine whether surgery is the best option for the child. 

Areas of specialization within pediatric surgery include neonatal surgery (surgical repair of birth defects), pediatric oncology (diagnosis and surgical care of children with malignant tumors and benign growths), and trauma (critical care medicine that may or may not require surgical intervention). Many pediatric surgeons are involved accident prevention programs in their communities that are aimed at curbing traumatic injuries in children. A new forefront in pediatric surgery is prenatal diagnosis and surgery (although application of most fetal surgical techniques remain in the experimental stage). 

Five types of illnesses / conditions most frequently encountered: Hernias, Congenital deformities, Appendicitis, Bowel problems, Need for venous access.

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

Do you enjoy working with kids? Although it is considered a subspecialty, pediatric surgery stays true to its general surgery roots because you perform operations on entire body regions: abdomen, chest, extremities, and more. 

Pediatric surgeons deal with the complex surgical problems, and their unique physiology, of kids of all ages, ranging from tiny premature newborns to maturing teenagers. Whether the problem involves a hypertrophic pyloric sphincter or a ruptured spleen, pediatric surgery is delicate, precise, and challenging. Some operations, such as the separation of conjoined twins, can be quite dramatic and life saving. 

Because accidents are the leading cause of death among children, pediatric surgeons deal with quite a bit of trauma in their work. Today, fetal surgery—surgically correcting congenital anomalies in a growing fetus—has become the hot area of this field. Pediatric surgeons naturally have to be quite adept at handling frightened children and their anxious parents.

Dupa Online Guide to Choosing A Surgical Residency (American College of Surgeons):

Pediatric surgeons are primarily concerned with the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of surgical problems in children and they operate on children whose development ranges from the newborn stage through the teenage years. 

Some medical conditions in newborns are not compatible with a good quality of life unless these problems are corrected surgically. These conditions must be recognized immediately by neonatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians. Pediatric surgeons cooperate with all of the specialists involved in a child's medical care to determine whether surgery is the best option for the child.

Pediatric surgery focuses on providing surgical care for all problems or conditions affecting children that require surgical intervention. They may also have particular expertise in the following areas of responsibility: 

Pediatric surgeons have specialized knowledge in the surgical repair of birth defects, some of which may be life threatening to premature and full-term infants. 

In cooperation with radiologists, pediatric surgeons use ultrasound and other technologies during the fetal stage of a child's development to detect any abnormalities. They can then plan corrective surgery and educated and get to now parents before their baby is born. In addition, prenatal diagnosis may lead to fetal surgery, which is a new forefront in the subspecialty of pediatric surgery. Application of most fetal surgical techniques is still in the experimental stage. 

Because trauma is the number one killer of children in the United States, pediatric surgeons are routinely faced with critical care situations involving traumatic injuries sustained by children that may or may not require surgical intervention. Many pediatric surgeons are involved accident prevention programs in their communities that are aimed at curbing traumatic injuries in children. 

Pediatric Oncology 
Pediatric surgeons are involved in the diagnosis and surgical care of children with malignant tumors as well as those with benign growths.

Link-uri utile:

Online Guide to Choosing A Surgical Residency (American College of Surgeons)
Pathway Evaluation Program - Specialty Profile - Pediatric Surgery
Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie Pediatrica
Leading symptoms in pediatric surgery - An instructional program for undergraduate and postgraduate study in medicine of the Institute for Medical Education (IML) and the university clinic for pediatric surgery of the Inselspital, Bern.

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29 octombrie 2012

Chirurgie orala si maxilo-faciala

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie orala si maxilo-faciala:

Chirurgia orală şi maxilo-facială cuprinde tratamentul chirurgical al părţilor moi cervico-faciale, al oaselor craniului visceral, al  glandelor salivare, articulaţiei temporomandibulare, diformităţilor  şi malformaţiilor cranio-faciale, plastia reconstructivă în sfera orală şi maxilo-facială şi tratamentul chirurgical al afecţiunilor dento-parodontale. 

Specialitatea cuprinde 2 părţi: 

a.  chirurgia orală, care se preocupă de studiul, prevenirea şi tratamentul chirurgical al afecţiunilor dento-parodontale: 
  • chirurgia endodontică
  • chirurgia preprotetică
  • accidente de erupţie ale dinţilor şi incluziile dentare 
  • traumatisme dento-parodontale 
  • chirurgia parodontală
  • inserarea implanturilor dentare 
b.  chirurgia maxilo-facială, care cuprinde patologia  şi tratamentul chirurgical al traumatismelor maxilo-mandibulare şi ale părţilor moi cervico-faciale, infecţii oro-maxilofaciale, tumori benigne ale părţilor moi şi osoase oro-maxilo-faciale, tumori maligne ale părţilor moi şi osoase oro-maxilo-faciale, bolile glandelor salivare şi ale articulaţiei temporomandibulare, diformităţi şi malformaţii congenitale ale feţei şi maxilarelor, durerea în sfera oro-maxilo-facială, plastia reconstructivă după defecte oro-maxilo-faciale etc.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani (cu dubla licenta Medicina Generala/Medicina Dentara)

În conformitate cu recomandările organismelor de specialitate ale Comunităţii Europene, specialiştii în chirurgia orală şi maxilo-facială trebuie să posede o dublă licenţă, cea de absolvent al Facultăţii de Medicină Dentară şi de absolvent al Facultăţii de Medicină Generală.  

În acest context, pot fi acceptaţi la specializare în chirurgia orală şi maxilo-facială absolvenţi ai Facultăţii de Medicină Dentară (care îşi completează studiile de Medicină Generală) şi absolvenţi ai Facultăţii de Medicină (care îşi completează studiile de medicină dentară).

What is Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery is a surgical specialty which involves the diagnosis, surgery and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.

More simply put, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon is the orthopedic surgeon of the facial region. He or she is an individual who addresses problems ranging from the removal of impacted teeth to the repair of facial trauma.

What are some reasons to visit an Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeon?
  • Have teeth replaced by having dental implants inserted;
  • Have oral surgical procedures performed in the office under outpatient  ambulatory anesthesia;
  • Have a jaw, oral, or facial cyst or tumor diagnosed, removed and reconstructed;
  • Have your jaw aligned with orthognathic surgery;
  • Have your jaw joint(s) repaired with TMJ surgery;
  • Have facial and jaw reconstruction following cancer surgery;
  • Have your facial bones realigned after facial trauma;
  • Have a consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for aesthetic surgery;
  • Have a tooth extracted.

Their extensive education and training, surgical expertise and unparalleled understanding of esthetics and function uniquely qualify them to treat the conditions, defects, injuries and esthetic aspects of the mouth, teeth, jaws and face. Patients who complain of pain or problems in this area are routinely referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for help.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are well-prepared to:

  • Manage diseases of the teeth and their supporting soft and hard tissues;
  • Surgically reconstruct inadequate bone structure in the jaw area;
  • Evaluate, plan a course of treatment and place dental implants to replace one, two or a mouthful of missing teeth;
  • Expertly treat head and neck trauma and injuries to the face, jaws, mouth and teeth;
  • Diagnose and treat facial pain;
  • Diagnose and treat oral cancer and other diseases in the maxillofacial region;
  • Perform corrective jaw surgery to improve the function and appearance of patients with such conditions as cleft lip and palate and other congenital defects;
  • Diagnose and surgically treat obstructive sleep apnea;
  • Perform facial cosmetic procedures to enhance facial appearance and function.

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28 octombrie 2012

Chirurgie generala

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie generala:

Chirurgia generală este specialitatea ce se ocupă cu diagnosticul  şi tratamentul afecţiunilor chirurgicale ale abdomenului precum  şi a altor afecţiuni chirurgicale care fac obiectul altor specialităţi, ce necesită tehnici speciale cum ar fi traumatisme, afecţiuni vasculare, genitale, urologice, toracice, endocrine, neurochirurgicale, chirurgie oncologică etc.

Durata de pregatire: 6 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

General Surgery is a discipline of surgery having a central core of knowledge common to all surgical specialties—anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia. General surgeons are trained to manage a broad spectrum of diseases and injuries affecting almost any area of the body that requires surgical intervention.  These physicians are involved in diagnosis, preoperative, operative and postoperative care of the surgical patient, and they are trained to provide comprehensive management of trauma and complete care of critically ill patients with underlying surgical conditions. Although its scope is broad, general surgery usually involves the abdomen, breasts, peripheral vasculature, skin and neck. 

Today’s general surgeons rarely perform neurologic, orthopaedic, thoracic, or urologic procedures, but they should be familiar with other surgical specialties to know when to refer a patient to another specialist. They should possess excellent manual dexterity and make decisions quickly and decisively.  

Common conditions encountered: Breast disease, Gall bladder disease, Hernias, GI cancer, Acute abdomen/appendicitis.

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

Surgeons save lives and heal the sick with their own hands. Surgery is the ultimate curative therapy for many patients and is an essential part of modern medicine. It is a career of constant excitement, high energy, quick decisions, and intellectual stimulation. No day is the same as the one before, and you learn to expect the unexpected. It is extremely gratifying to see the immediate results of your actions: the changes you make in your patients’ anatomy and in the quality of their lives.

General surgery primarily encompasses diseases of the abdominal organs, breast, skin, and endocrine glands.

Surgeons are also knowledgeable in many aspects of critical care, such as manipulating ventilator settings and adjusting powerful blood pressure medications. Many patients undergoing complicated operations are still sick and unstable after leaving the operating room, requiring extensive management in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU).

They treat diseases of the entire body that may or may not require surgical intervention. Some common examples include appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, bowel obstruction, peri-anal abscesses, and a myriad of cancers. The diversity of general surgery extends past the strictly surgical into endocrine issues (thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal disorders) as well as the complications of diabetes (leg ulcers, peripheral vascular disease). Obesity, an epidemic sweeping across the US population, has also become the realm of the surgeon, with stomach stapling and gastric bypass procedures receiving a remarkable amount of media attention. Although the basic principles of surgery have not changed in over a century, the field continues to develop, as highlighted by the introduction of innumerable elegant and ingenious laparoscopic procedures over the past decade. The most avant garde frontier is robotic surgery, which is now gaining momentum in both the pediatric and adult populations. These new and evolving aspects give aspiring surgeons the opportunity use their ingenuity to expand medical horizons.

Knowing the entire anatomy of the human body inside and out is absolutely essential, especially when many patients may have a normal anatomic variant. For instance, a routine gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) can easily become quite complicated.

The practice of surgery takes a team approach. Although the surgeon performs the procedure itself, they are never alone in the care of the patient.

When choosing a specialty, medical students who dislike the idea of having to wait weeks to months to see if a pharmacologic treatment works gravitate toward the fast-paced surgical specialties, where you can see the results of your efforts right away.

  • Has excellent hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity.
  •  Can think quickly and act decisively.
  • Enjoys mastering new technology.
  • Demands the highest level of perfection.
  • Is an energetic, dedicated, and compassionate physician.
Patients are entrusting their welfare and their lives to your clinical judgment and technical skill. They are apprehensive about undergoing even simple operations like removing an obstructed gallbladder or an inflamed appendix. It is a daunting, frightening experience to allow another person to cut them open and manipulate their internal organs. At this point, patients are unable to answer questions,  express their wants or beliefs, or provide any input regarding their care. A good surgeon takes time to reassure the patient before operating. As a surgeon, you have to convey that you will act in your patient’s best interest and stand by  your word.

The lifestyle of a surgeon—whether a resident, fellow, or attending—is infamous. Before heading off to a full day in the operating room, surgeons have to round on their pre- and postoperative patients quite early in the morning. There is no argument that surgical training is indeed quite rigorous, perhaps the most time consuming and physically draining of all specialties in medicine. 

Students who love a fast pace and high energy will thrive in this field.

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Chirurgie cardiovasculara

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie cardiovasculara:

Chirurgia cardiovasculară este specialitatea chirurgicală care se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul chirurgical al bolilor cardiovasculare (afecţiuni congenitale, afecţiuni câştigate, afecţiuni ale vascularizaţiei cordului, anevrisme, disecţii sau ocluzii ale trunchiurilor cranio-braheo-cefalice, arterelor, venelor şi limfaticelor).

Durata de pregatire: 6 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

nota: In SUA, chirurgia cardiovasculara si chirurgia toracica sunt grupate in Cardiothoracic surgery sau doar Thoracic surgery, chirurgii supraspecializandu-se fie pe chestiuni cardiace sau pulmonare/legate de peretele toracic. La noi se merge direct pe una dintre cele doua filiere: Chirurgie cardiovasculara sau Chirurgie toracica.


Thoracic surgery, also known as cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, encompasses all types of surgery within the chest cavity, which includes the heart, lungs and esophagus.  Thoracic surgeons are concerned with the operative, perioperative, and critical care of patients with pathologic conditions of the chest.  

Surgeons in this subspecialty often focus on certain organs and procedures within the chest cavity. A cardiac surgeon deals primarily with the surgical management of diseases of the blood supply to the heart, the heart valves, and the arteries and veins in the chest. A general thoracic surgeon treats emphysema; tumors of the lung, esophagus, chest wall, and mediastinum; swallowing problems and gastroesophageal reflux; abnormalities of the trachea; and diseases of the diaphragm. A congenital heart surgeon performs surgical corrections of heart defects and furnishes cardiovascular support to infants and children. Any of these subspecialists may perform heart, lung, and combined heart-lung transplantations. 

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

Cardiothoracic surgeons are experts on the heart, its complex physiology, and particularly the art of cardiopulmonary bypass. Within the domain of the heart, lungs, and mediastinum, they perform some of the most time consuming,regimented, and physically challenging of all operations. Their patients often leave the operating room in a critically ill state and head to the SICU for postoperative recovery. Surgery of the heart is delicate and fascinating. These surgeons treat conditions like blocked coronary arteries, thoracic aneurysms, and congenital abnormalities.

On the thoracic side, they also perform pulmonary resections (e.g., on patients with lung cancer), mediastinoscopy, and bronchoscopy, just to name a few. They also perform esophageal surgery for cancer, achalasia, and other disorders of the esophagus. 

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Ca fapt divers, Dr. Oz (de la TV, pe Euforia) este chirurg cardiovascular.

Vezi si articolul despre Chirurgie generala, deoarece specialitatile chirurgicale sunt inrudite din foarte multe puncte de vedere. In SUA, rezidentiatul pe domenii chirurgicale incepe cu pregatirea in Chirurgie generala. 

27 octombrie 2012


Dupa curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Cardiologie:

Cardiologia este specialitatea care se ocupă cu depistarea, diagnosticarea, tratarea şi recuperarea bolnavilor cu suferinţe cardiovasculare prin mijloace nechirurgicale.

Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Cardiology is a board-certified subspecialty of internal medicine concerned with diseases of the heart, lungs and blood vessels.  Cardiology involves the prevention, diagnosis, and management of disorders of the cardiovascular system, including ischemic heart disease, cardiac dysrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, valvular heart disease, pericarditis and myocarditis, endocarditis, congenital heart disease in adults, hypertension, and disorders of the veins, arteries, and pulmonary circulation. Management of risk factors for disease and early diagnosis and intervention for established disease are important elements of the specialty. 

The specialty is relatively high-tech in its approach to diagnosis and treatment and is also on the cutting edge in preventive health and noninvasive treatment modalities. Two areas of specialization include interventional cardiology, the discipline responsible for catheter-based interventions in the management of ischemic heart disease, congenital heart disease, and acquired valvular disease; and clinical electrophysiology, the discipline that manages complex cardiac arrhythmias with the use of implantable pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators, as well as the application of other interventional techniques and treatments. 

Cardiologists deal primarily with adults, many of whom are elderly. They manage complex cardiac conditions such as heart attacks and arrhythmias, perform complicated diagnostic procedures, and consult with surgeons on heart surgery.  The practice involves a wide scope of patient care activities, ranging from basic physical exams to sophisticated interventions in lifeand-death emergencies.  

Five types of illnesses/conditions most frequently encountered:
  • Coronary artery disease/angina,
  • Congestive heart disease, 
  • Hypertension, 
  • Arrythmias, 
  • Hyperlipidemias.

Dupa The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty:

Like fighter pilots, cardiologists take calculated risks while exercising skill and precision. As experts in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases, they take care of life-threatening medical conditions that affect a large majority of the population.

Many of the treatment options, whether pharmacologic or interventional, have immediate life-saving benefits. A procedure-oriented specialty, cardiology requires a great deal of manual dexterity. It is a perfect field for those who love gadgets. You will perform cardiac catheterization, electrocardiograms, nuclear stress tests, and echocardiography.

You will place stents within the coronary vasculature, open clogged arteries with balloon angioplasty, and even electrically convert patients into normal sinus rhythms through defibrillation.

Life as a heroic cardiologist, however, can be physically draining. They work extremely long, arduous hours taking care of very sick patients. Due the large numbers of patients admitted to the hospital with heart attacks, cardiologists frequently come to the hospital in the middle of the night.

Despite the rigors of the profession, cardiologists maintain long, intimate relationships with their patients. They also practice preventive medicine by identifying risk factors for early diagnosis of heart disease. If you enjoy studying the anatomy and physiology of the heart and love mastering technical procedures, then cardiology is the subspecialty for you.

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