01 decembrie 2012

Chirurgie vasculara

Dupa Curriculum de pregatire in specialitatea Chirurgie vasculara:

Chirurgia vasculară este specialitatea chirurgicală care se ocupă cu diagnosticul şi tratamentul chirurgical al bolilor vasculare arteriale, venoase şi limfatice.

- Durata de pregatire: 5 ani

Dupa Pathway Evaluation Program:

Vascular surgery is a subspecialty within general surgery that addresses the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the vascular tree, including arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels, exclusive of those within the cranial cavity and the heart.  The principle diseases treated involve those affecting the carotid arteries, the aorta, and those supplying the blood supply to the lower extremities, the kidneys, and the abdominal viscera. Common procedures performed include carotid endarterectomy, repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, and revascularization of the lower extremities. 

Specialists in this discipline are also experts in performing and interpreting diagnostic studies including ultrasound and angiography. Currently the subspecialty emphasizes minimally invasive treatment, including endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm and for relief of obstruction of blood flow to organs and tissues by means of angioplasty and deployment of intravascular stents. 

Five types of illnesses/conditions most frequently encountered:

Peripheral vascular disease
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Carotid disease
Venous disease/insufficiency
Dialysis access

Dupa Society for Vascular Surgery - VascularWeb.org

A Career of Innovation

Vascular surgery offers versatility and stimulation to medical professionals. These health care professionals master the intricacies of vascular surgery as well as state-of-the-art endovascular techniques. In addition, vascular surgeons build long-term relationships with patients and their families as a primary physician for all vascular needs: medical and diagnostic, endovascular and traditional surgery.

Intricate and demanding, vascular surgery is not “one-size-fits-all” surgery. Each patient presents an individual vascular problem requiring a unique solution. Vascular surgeons train to respond with various modalities:

  • Open surgical procedures
  • Endovascular procedures
  • Even medical therapies

Minimally invasive, percutaneous procedures are advancing rapidly and have revolutionized the ease at which outcomes are obtained for patients as well as offering the opportunity to continuously hone vascular surgery skills. The interventions may be limb or life saving. Vascular surgeons are charged with treating the complete patient.

Now more than ever, the choice to become a vascular surgeon fulfills an acutely growing need created by the aging population in the United States and beyond.  Talented, dedicated, skilled vascular surgeons will be needed to meet this urgent need.

Your Family, Patients, Career

Balance is a word heard all through college and medical school. There is a great deal to be gained by creating that balance in life. Colleagues will state that vascular surgery is one of the few medical specialties that allow for balance in life.

Personal relationships and family are paramount in the lives of vascular surgeons. One female vascular surgeon at a major medical center found her career flexible enough to arrange her schedule to work part-time to accommodate the need to care for her newborn. In the 21st Century, a career in vascular surgery allows for focus on family and home life as well as patients and their lives.

Research Opportunities - Infinite, Diverse, and Exciting

Vascular research runs the gamut from basic science cellular research, engineering/graft and stent development, diagnostic advances to clinical and medical management of vascular diseases. Research is not only done by full-time academic surgeons but also by private practitioners excited by the potential changes in the field.

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